
Allocation Policy for Upper Rissington Parish Council allotments

AllotmentsPolicy Uploaded on November 16, 2022


Initial Allocation 

  1. At a date so determined by the Parish Council, the historic waiting list will be frozen and no new applicants will be accepted until after initial allocation.
  2. All existing applicants on the frozen waiting list will be contacted to see if they are still interested and checked for eligibility in accordance with the Allotment Licence paragraph 3 to 5.
  3. All applicants declared to be eligible will be entered into a random draw and be allocated a plot in strict order of plot number (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b etc).  The draw shall be carried out by two councillors, observed and recorded by the Parish Clerk.  The draw shall be advertised and open to the general public.
  4. Once all plots have been allocated, the remaining applicants will be drawn in sequential order to form the standing waiting list for future allocation of plots as they become available.
  5. On allocation all successful applicants are to sign their Allotment Licence and make the first payment of rent (pro rata to 31 Mar) within 30 days of that allocation.  Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the allocated Allotment.

Ongoing Allocation 

  1. As plots become available due to forfeiture, vacation, abandonment or withdrawal of licence, they will be allocated in order from the standing waiting list.
  2. Successful applicants being selected from the standing waiting list will be re-checked for eligibility in accordance with the Allotment Licence paragraph 3 to 5.
  3. On allocation the applicant is to sign their Allotment Licence and make the first payment of rent (pro rata to 31 Mar) within 30 days of that allocation.

New Applicants 

  1. Future applicants, following an initial check of eligibility in accordance with the Allotment Licence paragraph 3 to 5, will be placed on the standing waiting list in priority order by date of application.
  2. Applications can only be made in writing or by email to the Parish Clerk.  Verbal applications will not be accepted.


Date approved and adopted by URPC: 12 September 2022