
Minutes – 10 October 2022

Minutes Uploaded on November 14, 2022

A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 10th October 2022 at 7.00 pm in the Community Room, Village Hall.

The following were present at the meeting: –
Cllr. A. Cairns, Chairman
Cllr. S. Bates
Cllr. S. Garrett
Cllr. D. Holden
Cllr. N. Maxey
Cllr. S. Mitchell
Cllr. J. Truslow
Officer: Mrs. V. Oliveri, Parish Clerk
District Cllr. A. Maclean
Mr. Kim Graham, Police Community Support Officer
3 members of the public

211/22 Apologies for Absence had been received from Cllr. S. Edgar and County Cllr. M. Mackenzie Charrington.

212/22 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation
Cllr. S. Bates declared an interest in Item 220/22 f. as she was due a re-imbursement of £25.00 towards purchasing a tree for the POS as previously agreed.

213/22 Public Session
Bowling Green: A resident asked how the bowling green was going to be run and was there going to be a charge for the use of this facility? The PC confirmed that a policy and the terms and conditions hadn’t been decided yet. The member of public offered the PC advice on what was required of a bowling green. A site meeting was to be arranged to discuss this further.

214/22 County Councillor’s report – not present.

215/22 District Councillor’s report
Rissington’s 60 Second Survey – 220 completed survey forms had been received to date. Cost of Living Crisis – An email from CDC would be received shortly regarding the cost of Living Crisis.
Change in the Election Process Next Year – District Cllr. A. Maclean would attend the training seminar.
Naming New Court Name at Development in Mitchell Way – District Cllr. A. Maclean notified the PC that the new Court name was to be, ‘Aerodrome.’ The PC expressed dissatisfaction with this result and asked the District Councillor to ask CDC if they could change the name to the PC’s preferred name of, ‘Imjin.’

216/22 Police Report
A police report had been circulated prior to the meeting where Mr. Kim Graham, Police Community Support Officer went through the report with the PC.
Graffiti on the skate park was brought to the attention of the PC – the Clerk was to report this to the police.
Anti-social area – It had become apparent that a small brick building in the village was being used as an anti-social area. Vistry, the developers had been made aware of this problem. The Clerk was to report this to the police.
Mr. Kim Graham planned to attend the PC meeting arranged for 12th December 2022.

217/22 Minutes: Cllr. A. Cairns proposed to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 28th September 2022 with amending the spelling of Cllr. S. Garrett and Cllr. J. Truslow in the attendance section. Cllr. S. Mitchell seconded this proposal. A unanimous vote was taken of all in favour of the proposal put forward.

218/22 Clerk’s Report:
20 mph speed signs – The Clerk had asked the police to supply some reminder 20 mph speed signs for the PC to put in place in the village.
Defibrillator – The defibrillator had been used at the V/Hall, new pads and a small first aid kit had been ordered to replace the parts used.
Tree purchased – A tree had been purchased as granted permission by the PC and it was to be planted on the POS area behind the Co-op – permission granted by Vistry.
Emergency Plan – Andrew Mitchell had indicated that he would put an Emergency Plan together for the village.
Six month fire check at the V/Hall – The Clerk confirmed that the six month fire check at the V/Hall had been booked for Friday 21st October 2022.

219/22 Planning:
a. Planning Decisions issued by Cotswold District Council – There were no CDC planning
decisions to report since the last PC meeting held on 28th September 2022.
b. Planning Applications: There had been no planning applications received prior to sending out
the PC agenda.
c. Urgent planning applications received since publication of the agenda.
1. Ref: 22/03343/TPO 19 Bleriot Road
T1 – sycamore – reduce by up to 2 metres – Crown raise to 4 metres all round. COMMENT: The PC would go along with the tree officer’s recommendation.
2. Ref: 22/03331/TPO 4 Lancaster Drive
Beech in front garden – 4 m reduction to reduce the risk of falling limbs on the property. Ash in rear garden. – remove due to ADB.
COMMENT: The PC would go along with the tree officer’s recommendation.

220/22 Finance:
a. The PC received a report showing income received to 30th September 2022.
b. The PC received the bank reconciliations up to 30th September 2022.
c. The PC received a report on expenditure against the budget up to 30th September 2022.
d. The PC received and noted the External auditors report for year ended 31st March 2022.
The PC approved the payment of the external auditor’s invoice of £480.00.
e. The PC approved spending for three months website hosting by the current website provider of £54.00 including VAT, allowing for a planned migration to the new hosting provider by December 2022.
f. Payment’s list – Cllr. A. Cairns proposed to approve the payments list. Cllr. N. Maxey seconded the proposal. A unanimous vote of approval of the payments list, apart from Cllr. S. Bates where she took no part in the decision made. A copy of the payments list can be found in the attached document.
g. The PC received a draft budget for 2023/4 and the following two years – further work required. 221/22 Recreation Inspection
The monthly recreation equipment inspection undertaken by WODC had been received at the PC meeting held on 28th September 2022.

222/22 Public Open Space
a. The PC received the notes of a meeting with Vistry held on 4/10/2022.
b. The PC deferred receiving details for a handover of the POS from Vistry as the PC were awaiting confirmation in writing. – This item to go onto November PC agenda.
c. The PC deferred approving the five year maintenance fee as written details were
awaited from Vistry. – This item to go onto November PC agenda.
d. Bowling Green – The PC discussed and approved the need of seats and metal fencing around the Bowling Green. – Quotes to be obtained.
e. The PC deferred the allocation of allotments in the village until the next PC meeting. The Clerk was to contact everyone on the allotment list to check if they still would like an allotment and also if they qualify in having an allotment in the village.

223/22 Defibrillator
The Clerk had submitted a grant funding application to CDC to assist in contributing towards a second defibrillator in the village.

224/22 Village Caretaker
a. The Parish Council received the information on the interviews for the Village Caretaker position. There was one person still to be interviewed tomorrow, so the PC agreed that they would decide who to appoint at the November PC meeting.
b. The PC agreed to approve the contract for the Village Caretaker at the November PC meeting.

225/22 Appraisals
a. The PC agreed for Cllr. A. Cairns and Cllr. S. Garrett to undertake an appraisal on the Parish Clerk.
b. The PC received an appraisal undertaken on the cleaner of the Village Hall.

226/22 Food Pantry
The PC hadn’t received any further communication to have a Food Pantry located in the Village Hall, even though two further emails had been sent asking if this request was still required.

227/22 Parking Spaces in Hawker Square
Vistry owned the parking spaces in the vicinity of 1 – 4 Hawker Square at present, therefore the request for white line painting the parking spaces in this area was to be forwarded to Vistry.

228/22 Christmas Event/Christmas Tree
a. The PC approved to purchase a Christmas tree for the village, to be positioned alongside the front of the Village Hall – same place as last year. – The Clerk was to obtain three quotations for a 20 foot Christmas tree. Cllr. N. Maxey agreed to obtain three quotations for exterior lights for the Christmas tree.
b. The Clerk was to liaise with Rev. Nina Summerfield in arranging a Christmas event with the Church to tie in with switching on the lights of the village Christmas tree.

229/22 Snow Plan
a. The PC agreed that the snow plan and a snow warden for the village was to be included in the Emergency Plan.
b. The PC received a request from Little Rissington Parish Council asking if they could join Upper Rissington P/C’s snow operator system. The PC haven’t got a snow operator system at present because the developer is still required to clear snow in the village. The PC agreed that they would meet with the surrounding Rissington parishes to discuss this further.

230/22 Correspondence Received – Nothing to report on since 28th September 2022.

231/22 Date and Time of Next Meeting: Monday 14th November 2022, 7:00 pm.
The meeting closed at 21.06 pm