Notes of a meeting with Vistry on 2nd December 2021
In attendance: Cllr. A. Cairns, Chairman Cllr. K. Walker Mrs. V. Oliveri, Parish Clerk Rob Stroud, Vistry Rob Derricott, Vistry
- Rev G plan had been submitted to CDC which now includes the piece of land up from the allotments marked in yellow.
- Vistry had contacted two residents in Smith Barry Circus and would contact the remaining two regarding the boundaries which had been moved onto the POS area. This problem needs to be resolved by Vistry prior to handover of the POS.
- It was recognised that there were still small areas missing off Rev G plan – Vistry to update plan to incorporate the areas identified.
- Vistry to update signs on tennis courts and recreation areas.
- Bowling Green – Vistry planned to commence works on the bowling green in January 2022.
- Vistry to forward a draft handover plan to URPC.
- Allotments – Vistry agreed to look at what should be provided as a minimum standard of allotments, i.e., specification, preparation, water butts, sheds etc.
- Equipped recreation areas – Vistry had all the inspection certificates including ROSPA’s certificates to all the new recreation sites in the village.
- Snagging List – Cllr. Andy Cairns agreed to update the snagging list combining nos. 22 & 66 etc and to incorporate a traffic light system on the list. Vistry agreed to fill in their comments on the snagging list within the next week so that the PC were kept up to date with works being completed.
- Area of land at Smith Barry Circus – Vistry were informed that the Monitoring Officer at CDC had asked to be kept informed of any process or any further information which was apparent to the area of land at Smith Barry Circus.
- Wildflower Area – Field leading down to the allotments – The Clerk was to re-send an email to Rob Stroud regarding cutting the area and removing all cuttings from site to assist the wildflower area to take hold.
- Tennis Courts – Vistry noted that the testing works had been undertaken by their contractors to make sure that the area was fit for purpose prior to handover. The report received from the contractors read, ‘Brambles had been removed and areas had been recovered’. Vistry agreed that if the work hadn’t been carried out to a satisfactory standard, then Vistry would stand by the work even after handover.
- Maze – Cllr. Andy Cairns drew the attention to Vistry that the maze had not been built to the specified description. Vistry agreed to offer a resolution to this and check whether this was down to not being able to obtain the materials at the time of building the maze.
- Attenuation Pond – Vistry were requested to investigate whether the pond was operating as intended, if not, how was it operating? Is it acting as a reservoir as intended or is it just effectively simply a pond? Vistry agreed to email a copy of the ‘as built’ and a copy of the ‘design basis’ of the pond. It was noted that the PC could not take on the responsibility or spend money on any utilities responsibilities as it didn’t have the powers to do so. Vistry agreed to consult with Albion Water on this matter.
- Regular meetings – It was agreed to carry on with 6/8 weekly meetings to keep these discussions going and keep working towards a single handover date.
Date of next meeting to be arranged.