
Notes of a site meeting with Vistry – 6 May 2022

Notes Uploaded on May 6, 2022

Notes of a site meeting with Vistry on 6.5.2022

In attendance: Cllr. A. Cairns, Chairman Cllr. S. Mitchell 1 member of Vistry Vanessa Oliveri, Parish Clerk

Points discussed at the site meeting:

  • Vistry apologised for not being able to attend the Annual Parish Meeting but had asked for questions to be passed onto them. One request had been raised by a member of the public which was for Vistry to attend a meeting with the parishioners of the village at the Village Hall. Date to be arranged.
  • Bowling Green – Vistry confirmed that they were waiting for the right paperwork to be put in place before any work commenced at the bowling green.
  • Handover date – To be confirmed as this wouldn’t be the end of May as discussed at the previous meeting. PC requested an update on a completion date of the POS.
  • Grass seeding – To be started imminently.
  • Mowing – PC requested Vistry to keep the programme of grass cutting on the POS.
  • Area of grass behind the V/Hall – Vistry agreed to mow the area of grass behind the V/Hall around the 15/5/2022 prior to the Picnic in the Park event.
  • Snagging list – The PC had updated the snagging list on the POS and had been passed onto Vistry for them to complete their section within the next week.
  • Section 38 – GCC and Vistry were working on completing the process of Section 38 prior to GCC taking on the ownership and responsibility of the highways on the Vistry development.
  • Interceptors and attenuation pond – Vistry were working with Albion Water in relation to taking on the ownership and responsibility of the maintenance of the interceptors and the attenuation pond on the POS.
  • Piper Homes – will be in communication with URPC shortly as they were due to connect into the water system of the village, this was in relation to the Section 104 sewerage infrastructure. Vistry are in communication with Piper Homes on this.
  • Allotments & tennis courts – The PC have requested earlier release of the allotments and the tennis courts due to the high demand of requests from the parishioners of the village. The PC requested installation of hardstanding areas, allotment sheds, water butts as a goodwill gesture due to the loss of a piece of land and a fence being erected against the allotment land. This request was to be taken to Supriya Rae, Vistry.
  • 5 year maintenance fee for the POS – 3 quotations had been received from both the PC and Vistry. A meeting was to be arranged for both parties to go through the quotations received and discuss the process to be taken up to handover of the POS. Vistry confirmed that they would pay all legal fees for the process.