The Parish Council takes great pleasure in announcing the appointment of a permanent Parish Clerk and an Assistant Clerk following resolution at the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13 November...
Public Open Spaces – Update
Dear Parish members, Please see attached to this Post the latest update on POS. The meeting notes from 1 Dec may be found at this link. An offer of the POS was made by Vistry in September...
Public Open Spaces Update
Following the EGM on Public Open Spaces please find attached the following documents for the information of residents: Public Open Spaces Transfer Map - this shows the areas that are currently...
Harris Gardens update
HARRIS GARDENS The Parish Council has been in touch with the builders, Vistry, regarding the illegal fly tipping of garden and household debris etc on the area of woodland near the entrance to...
August Update – Upper Rissington Parish Council
At a recent Parish Council meeting, we were asked why there is such a high turnover of people on the Parish Council. The honest answer is that I do not know. However, what I do know is that every...
Upper Rissington Tennis Courts
Upper Rissington Tennis Courts We are pleased to announce that the Upper Rissington Tennis Courts will be open for use from 0900 on Friday 11 August for a 7-week trial period which will end on...
Intentional Damage – Upper Rissington Play Park
Dear Parish, Some of you will have read the notice this morning about a hole in the playground. It has now been ascertained that this was due to the piece of equipment being forcibly removed...
Pre-application enquiry – Land to the west of Delfin Way, Upper Rissington
The Parish Council were yesterday (2 Aug) sent some details by Vistry on some proposed additional development plans. The details are given below and in the attached: A pre-application...
Parish Council Update – July 2023
Good Evening Today we had the sadness and the privilege of saying thank you and goodbye to our hard working Clerk Vanessa Oliveri. Vanessa has been with the Parish for 2 years and 4 months and...
June 2023 update from the Parish Council
Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback following our May 2023 update. We’re glad to hear it helped keep you informed on some key activities within the Parish Council. We’ll be at the...