Hello Everyone,
Please find attached to this article a report from our local Community Police Office. He came to the URPC Meeting last night and gave an overview of recent issues – if there are concerns please contact the team on the details below.
Upper Rissington report November 23
Could I also remind you that you can register for alerts direct to you email at the following link https://www.yourcommunityalerts.co.uk/
PC 1501 Alison Palfrey – Beat Mgr. alison.palfrey@gloucestershire.pnn.police.uk
PC 2695 Frank Ward – Beat Mgr. francis.ward@gloucestershire.pnn.police.uk
PCSO 49288 John Allen john.allen@gloucestershire.pnn.police.uk
PCSO 49091 Kim Graham kim.graham@gloucestershire.pnn.police.uk