Upper Rissington Parish Council
Village Hall, Hawker Square, Upper Rissington, Gloucestershire, GL54 2NT Telephone: 01451 810839 / 07774357802
To members of the Parish Council
You are summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Upper Rissington Parish Council in the Village Hall on Monday 2nd April 2012 at 7.30pm
- Apologies:To receive apologies of absence.
- DeclarationsofInterest:Todeclareanypersonalorprejudicialinterestsinitemsontheagenda
(councillors with prejudicial interests must leave the room at the relevant time)
- Minutes: To approve the minutes from the last Parish Council meeting held on the 5th March 2012
- Public Session: To provide members of the public/press the opportunity to comment on items on the agenda.
- District/County Councillors Reports: For information. Items raised for decision will be on the next agenda.
- G.R.C.C: To discuss ways to improve the running of the Parish Council.
- Planning:
(1)To consider the following planning applications:
There are no applications to consider.
(2) To note the decision for the following planning applications:
- 12/00780/TPO: Silver birch. Fell. 37 Hawker Square, Upper Rissington, Glos., GL54 2NT.
Application pending.
- 12/00850/TPO: Horse chestnut. Fell. 9 Avro Road, Upper Rissington, Glos., GL54 2NU.
Application pending
- 12/00387/TPO: 268 T. 288 Norway maple – Fell. 28 Snipe Road, Upper Rissington Glos.,
GL54 2NJ. Application refused.
- ParishCouncildomainnameandemailservice:Toconsidercostsforthecurrentservices.
- Refurbishment of the play park: To consider repairs and refurbishment of the play park.
10.Maintenance: To consider any work that needs to be done and to receive health and safety checks.
To agree on the village hall items being PAT tested and for the boiler to have a safety check. 11.GAPTC subs: To decide whether to pay the annual subs to the GAPTC.
12.Clerk vacancy: To appoint a panel for interviewing.
13.Asset Register: To consider any changes required.
14.Jubilee garden: To discuss plans.
15.Social Committee: To receive an update.
16.Standing Orders: To consider any changes required.
17.Repairs to De Havilland Road. To consider the current state of the road. 18.Garden of Remembrance: To discuss possibilities.
19.Allotments: To discuss the plans for the allotments.
20.Annual litter picking dates: To decide on a date.
- a) To discuss adding signatories to the bank account.
- b) Following a summary of the finances the Parish Council are requested to consider
payments as detailed in the summary (copy available)
22.Progress Reports:
(1) Reports from Councillors
(2) Report from the Clerk
23.Correspondence for Information: To review correspondence received since the last meeting (details
available from Clerk)
24. Items for future agenda: Each councillor is requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making. Members of the public can also use this opportunity to bring information to the attention of the Parish Council.
25. Date of next meeting: To confirm that the date of the next meeting will be on Monday 7th May 2012.
Emma Morgan Date: 28th March 2012 Clerk to Upper Rissington Parish Council