Notes of a meeting with Vistry on 3rd February 2022
In attendance: Cllr. A. Cairns, Chairman Cllr. D. Holden Cllr. K. Walker Mrs. V. Oliveri, Parish Clerk Rob Stroud, Vistry Rob Derricott, Vistry
- Rev G plan – to be updated – check to make sure that all the pieces of land are incorporated into the plan as discussed at the meeting on 2.12.2021.
- Vistry planned to go through the handover plan to URPC once all the pieces of land had been incorporated into the Rev G plan.
- Vistry had contacted two residents in Smith Barry Circus and were progressing with the boundary line behind Smith Barry Circus/POS.
- Tennis courts – No update received. NOTE: To keep a check on the surface of the tennis courts in the growing season for any sign of brambles coming through, as this area had been patched last year.
- Bowling Green – Vistry confirmed that the smaller trees closer to the Village Hall would need to be removed to incorporate the installation of the bowling green. Works had been scheduled to commence on the bowling green in February 2022. Vistry agreed to notify the PC how long the works would take to install the bowling green.
- Allotments – Vistry agreed to look at what should be provided as a minimum standard of allotments, i.e., specification, preparation, water butts, sheds etc.
- Equipped recreation areas – It was noted at the meeting that the recreation area with the tunnel, closer to the air field had been unfenced and was now in full use.
- Snagging List – Cllr. Andy Cairns agreed to update the snagging list and forward to Vistry to add their comments. This would be used at the next site meeting with Vistry.
- Wildflower Area – Field leading down to the allotments – It was noted at the meeting that Vistry had not cut the wildflower area last Autumn as planned.
- Maze – Vistry confirmed that the maze behind the Village Hall hadn’t been built to specification due to them not being able to obtain the materials at the time of building the maze.
- Attenuation Pond – Vistry to confirm whether the pond was operating as intended, if not, how was it operating? Albion Water had confirmed with the PC that the chambers alongside the pond should be inspected monthly to check for contamination. (Was this being done and who would be doing this after handover?) It was noted that the PC could not take on the responsibility or spend money on any utilities responsibilities as it didn’t have the powers to do so. Vistry agreed to consult with Albion Water on this matter. The Clerk agreed to pass Albion Water’s contact details onto Vistry so that they can liaise on what is required on this matter.
- Highways Work – Section 38 – Works had commenced on the highways in the village in order to complete all highways work required in line with the Section 38 agreement between Vistry and GCC.
- Grassed Maze – It was noted that this area was very boggy and was not draining as it should do. Vistry agreed to look at this problem.
- A site meeting with Vistry, contractors and the PC was to be arranged in approximately six weeks’ time to go through the snagging list and any outstanding works.
- Boundary fence between Albion Water and Ansells Copse – This work had started a couple of months ago but had not progressed any further. Vistry were to have a meeting with Albion Water to discuss a double gated entrance to the Copse so that works required on drains/pipes in the area could be undertaken.
- Collapsing wall at entrance of Folland Park/Wright Road – Vistry to have a site visit today (3.2.2022) as this area was on POS land. Photos to be forwarded to Vistry.
- Vistry to forward a programme of work schedule for the POS to the PC for information.
- Planning Application for development of proposed pub land/Mitchell Road – The Clerk to forward the PC’s comments made on the recent planning application for developing the proposed pub land in Mitchell Way to Vistry.
The next meeting date to be confirmed.