Notes of a site meeting with Vistry on 3.8.2022
In attendance: Cllr. A. Cairns, Chairman Cllr. S. Garratt Cllr. S. Mitchell 2 members of Vistry Vanessa Oliveri, Parish Clerk
Points discussed at the meeting:
- Bowling Green – Vistry confirmed works had commenced on the Bowling Green and would take approximately 6/8 weeks to complete.
- Tennis Courts – The Vistry representatives agreed to have a look at the tennis courts after the meeting to check the surface area. Vistry agreed to provide a twelve month warranty on the tennis courts and any problems in that period the PC were to contact Vistry to remedy.
- Allotments – The PC confirmed the criteria required of the allotment area prior to handover of the POS which was to cut, remove all debris and mark out the allotments. It was agreed at the meeting that Vistry were to provide 10 allotment sheds, with hard standing and water butts for each shed.
- Meadow Area just up from Allotments – Vistry agreed that the meadow area was to be cut and cuttings to be removed before September/October this year to allow re-growth.
- Path edges – Vistry confirmed that the path edges and paths were in the process of being weed sprayed. Vistry to check what spray was being used as there are legal requirements for spray on public areas.
- Play Area Certificates – Vistry confirmed that the play area certificates had been obtained for the play area just up from Ansell’s Copse, so the fencing surrounding the area had been removed yesterday. Contractors were to cut the long grass and weeds in that area today.
- Tree Guards – The PC requested Vistry to remove all the tree guards on the trees in the village and to remove any tree guards on the ground. The PC would accept the responsibility of the tree guards being removed.
- Orchard Area – Vistry agreed to cut the grass in the orchard area just off Wellington Road, behind the shop area and also the orchard area just up from the Meadow area.
- Attenuation Pond – The PC stressed that the PC could not take on the responsibility of any water infrastructure within the village, therefore Vistry need to complete this agreement with Albion Water. The PC does not want this agreement to hold up the handover of the POS.
- Grass Cutting – The PC noted that the grass cutting was being undertaken within the village but would like this subject to be continued being discussed at the meetings held with Vistry.
- Quotations for maintenance of the Public Space – It was noted at the meeting that the PC had formally agreed to share the maintenance fees with Vistry but prior to this Jeremy, Vistry agreed to forward a formal way of handling this process to the PC.
- Phased Plan for POS – The PC had formally agreed in principle to a four phased handover plan of the POS but requested the allotments to be included in the first two phases as this was an area in demand to the residents of the village. The PC would want the whole process to be completed within the twelve months once started and all Section 104 agreements to be adopted and completed. The PC had agreed to defer a decision on any waiver of the twelve month period until the five year maintenance fee had been satisfactorily agreed by all parties. Vistry agreed to email the details of how each phase would be handed over to enable the PC to appoint contractors to continue the maintenance of the areas handed over.
- Fenced off Area – Vistry confirmed that their solicitor had written to the resident of the village who had fenced off an area of POS land just up from the allotments and further action would be taken, as stipulated in the solicitor’s letter sent to the resident. The PC agreed that the legal dispute would need to be resolved prior to the handover of the POS as the PC did not want to pick up any on-going legal disputes.
- Road Safety Audit – The PC had asked if a road safety audit had been undertaken and what was the process of this?
- Gate by side of Village Hall – Vistry had installed a new gate to the side of the Village Hall as requested by the PC.
- Fence just up from Village Hall – The PC agreed that this was the responsibility of the PC and would arrange for this to be repaired.
- Fence between Albion Water and Ansell’s Copse – Vistry were to follow this up and to make sure that this was completed as agreed.
- Chain link fence at bottom of Ansell’s Copse – Vistry confirmed that they had instructed a contractor to install a chain link fence at the bottom of the slope leading into Ansell’s Copse as previously agreed.
- Notice Board – Vistry were seeking quotations to replace the wooden notice board alongside the tennis courts.
- Plastic caps on slide – Vistry confirmed that they had removed all plastic caps of the slide as they were not required.
- Grassed Area of land to the side of Spitfire Place – Vistry agreed to check the condition of the area in question by a resident of the village and would report back to the PC.
The date of next meeting was arranged for Thursday 8th September 2022 at the Village Hall commencing at 10.30 am. The meeting closed at 11.55 am.