Notes of a site meeting with Vistry on 5.7.2022
In attendance: Cllr. A. Cairns, Chairman Cllr. S. Garratt Cllr. D. Holden Cllr. S. Mitchell 4 members of Vistry Vanessa Oliveri, Parish Clerk
Points discussed at the site meeting:
- Bowling Green – Vistry to confirm that works were planned to commence on the Bowling Green in the middle of July 2022.
- Phased Plan for POS – A draft plan of a phased handover in four large sections was made available at the meeting. This was to be discussed at the July PC meeting. Vistry agreed to provide further details before the end of the week so that the Parish Council would have the information in time to discuss and make a decision on this proposal.
- Tennis Courts – The small bramble had been treated on the tennis courts surface was showing evidence of the treatment working. A site inspection of the tennis courts took place after the meeting with the Parish Councillors present. It was agreed that the PC would have a 12 month guarantee on the product/installation with Vistry.
- Allotments – Discussions took place on what would be acceptable for the allotment area upon hand over to the Parish Council. (Should the area be sprayed or blanket covered?) This would be discussed at the July PC meeting.
- Sheds on Allotments – Vistry confirmed that they would provide ten 6’ x 4’ allotment sheds, hardstanding and water butts.
- Meadow Area just up from Allotments – This area was to be cut before September/October this year to allow re-growth as discussed in the past.
- Path edges – Vistry agreed that there were further works required on the path edges.
- Play Area Certificates – Vistry confirmed that they were working on obtaining the play area certificates required prior to opening the enclosed play area to the public.
- Tree Guards – Vistry were consulting with their contractor on the removal of the tree guards in the village.
- Orchard Area – Vistry agreed to cut the grass in the orchard area just off Wellington Road and behind the shop area and also the orchard area just up from the Meadow area.
- Topping on round-a-bout – Vistry were arranging the works for the topping on the round-about to the entrance of the village after Piper Homes had connected the services to their new development in the village.
- Kendrick development – Vistry had spoken to Kendrick regarding traffic management whilst building works were being undertaken.
- Attenuation Pond – Albion Water would be taking on the responsibility of the attenuation pond in the village, this was under the Section 104 agreement.
- Grass Cutting – Vistry were engaging with their contractors to make sure that they carried out the grass cutting works in the village has programmed.
- Quotations for maintenance of the Public Space – Vistry agreed to draw up a process of receiving the three quotations up to handover of the POS to the Parish Council and confirmed how they would arise to a figure upon the receipt of the three quotations received.
The date of next meeting was arranged for Wednesday 3rd August 2022 at the Village Hall commencing at 10.30 am.