7th December 2022 – Upper Rissington Parish Council
Notice of Parish Council Meeting
I hereby give notice that a meeting of the Parish Council will be held in Upper Rissington Village Hall, Wellington Road on Monday 12th December 2022, 7:00pm.
Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the business of considering and resolving upon the matters as set out below.
All Residents of the Parish and Press are welcome to attend.
Vanessa Oliveri, Clerk to Upper Rissington Parish Council
252/22 To Receive Apologies for Absence
253/22 To Receive Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation
254/22 Public Session: To provide members of the public/press with the opportunity to comment on items on the Agenda or raise items for future consideration. In accordance with Standing Orders this will not exceed 15 minutes in total and three minutes per person.
255/22 To receive the County Councillor’s report
256/22 To receive the District Councillor’s report
257/22 To receive a report from the police
258/22 Minutes: To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th November 2022 and authorise the Chairman to sign the same. 259/22 Clerk’s Report:
a. To report on outstanding actions from previous meetings not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
b. Correspondence Received.
260/22 Planning:
a. To note new planning decisions issued by Cotswold District Council;
b. To consider the council’s response to the following planning application:
Application Details
1. 22/03997/FUL | Erection of single storey side extension and other associated works | 4 Trenchard Close Upper Rissington Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL54 2GT
c. To consider any urgent planning applications received since publication of the agenda.
261/22 Finance:
a. To record income received to 30th November 2022.
b. To receive a list of outstanding invoices.
c. To receive bank reconciliations up to 30th November 2022.
d. The PC to receive a report on expenditure against the budget up to 30th November 2022.
e. To approve payments according to the payments list (attached) f. The PC to receive and approve the budget for 2023/4 and the following draft two years budget.
g. The PC to approve the precept for 2023/4.
262/22 Recreation Inspection
The PC to receive the monthly recreation equipment inspection undertaken by WODC.
263/22 Public Open Space
a. To receive the notes of a meeting with Vistry held on 6/12/2022.
b. The PC to consider a quote received from Men in Sheds, Bourton-on-the-Water to
provide wooden allotment markers, painted white with black numbering at a cost of
c. The PC to approve an amended allotment licence.
264/22 PC Website
The PC to approve the update to the website and social media policy.
265/22 Village Caretaker
To receive a Village Caretakers report.
266/22 Financial Reserves Policy & Investment Strategy
The PC to receive a revised Financial Reserves Policy & Investment Strategy as follows:
a) Schedule of Earmarked Reserves has been updated omitting the Locality Grant of £1,194.70 which had to be paid back to Groundwork UK as the deadline had expired. CIL payments have been updated showing the recent payments received and dated.
d. List of PC Investments updated.
267/22 Grant Applications Received
The PC to consider two grant applications received listed below.
a. Rissington’s Local History Society
b. Upper Rissington Social Committee
268/22 Cotswold Representation on GAPTC
The PC to select their vote on the four candidates put forward to fill the vacancy for the Cotswold Representation on GAPTC. The decision is to be forwarded to GAPTC.
269/22 Footpath/lights between Harris Gardens/Lancaster Drive
The PC to consider the issue with the lights not working between Harris Gardens / Lancaster Drive. County Cllr. Mark Mackenzie-Charrington has been copied into this issue.
270/22 Co-option
The PC to receive nominations for the three co-option vacancies. Deadline for nominations is 12.12.2022.
271/22 Lightning Protection System at the Village Hall
The PC to approve the annual inspection and testing of the lightning protection system at the Village Hall to be undertaken by PTSG at a cost of £163.00 + VAT.
272/22 Date and Time of Next Meeting: Monday 9th January 2023, 7:00 pm.
Anyone can film, record, broadcast, take photographs, and use social media to report on the meeting when it is open to the public, so long as they conform to the Council’s protocol, a copy of which can be obtained from the Clerk. Please be aware that you may be recorded.