
Notes of a site meeting with Vistry – 7 April 2022

Notes Uploaded on April 7, 2022

Notes of a site meeting with Vistry on 7.4.2022

In attendance: Cllr. A. Cairns, Chairman Cllr. D. Holden Cllr. S. Mitchell 8 members of Vistry Vanessa Oliveri, Parish Clerk

Points discussed at the site meeting:

  • Vistry were working on the handover of the POS by the end of May.
  • Rotavate and re-seed area of POS by attenuation pond – end of April.
  • Bowling green to be completed by end of May. Whilst work on the bowling green was taking place there would be movement of 40 – 50 lorries. Vistry agreed to manage the movement of lorries and to make the area safe for the public whilst the work was being undertaken.
  • Vistry to have a meeting with Albion Water to finalise the 104 agreement and the adoption of interceptors and sewers.
  • The adoption of the highways was progressing. Vistry were holding on with the finished tarmac surface and liaising with Piper homes to avoid unnecessary digging up of new road surface. Specification of tarmac being decided between GCC and Vistry.
  • Time scale to complete highways will be 3 – 4 months’ time.
  • Remedial highways works were being completed under Section 38.
  • PC and Vistry to explore the options of taking over the allotments and tennis courts prior to handover of POS. A further meeting was to be arranged to go through this in more detail.
  • PC and Vistry agreed to update/reconcile the snagging list by the end of April.
  • Tree protectors not biodegradable – Vistry agreed to remove any loose plastic protectors and to carry out an assessment on the young trees.
  • Vistry to resecure the metal fencing around the recreation equipment just up from the woodland. An inspection was to be carried out on the recreation equipment in this area. ID labels were to be secured to equipment.
  • Vistry noted that the surface area around the recreation equipment on both sides of the path, just up from woodland needed to be rotavated and reseeded. This area would need to be closed for two months to allow the grass to grow.
  • The metal fence at the top of Proctor Way would be removed imminently.
  • The recreation area by the airfield needed to be rotavated and re-seeded and closed off for two months.
  • Historic RAF gates at entrance of village – Vistry agreed to check their intentions on this and would get back to the PC with an answer.
  • Two people from Vistry, Patrick and Jamie would be on site daily until the end of April to oversee any outstanding work required.
  • Fence at bottom of the slope leading to Ansells Copse – Vistry agreed to extend a chain link fence in this area. The PC had carried out a site walk around with Albion Water who had installed drain covers in the areas required but had agreed to not handover the area until the PC had carried out a consultation with the public. Vistry were in the process of fencing off the area between Albion Water and the woodland with a double gated entrance to allow Albion Water to undertake any maintenance required.
  • Vistry to remove the metal fencing in the undergrowth between the houses on Smith Barry Crescent and the attenuation pond.
  • The two redundant street lights noted would be removed by Vistry.
  • Vistry agreed to replace the wooden notice board leading to the allotment site and install a new metal notice board.
  • The area by the tennis courts was to be tidied up by Vistry.
  • Vistry were quite confident that the surface to the tennis courts would now be ok but were keeping a check on this as it was now the growing season.
  • Allotments – A specification of the allotments was required. Allotments were to be marked out into 42 half plots. A goodwill gesture was requested for Vistry to install hard standings, water butts and sheds. Vistry to come back to the PC with an answer to this.
  • Vistry to plant some low level hawthorn hedging into the blank spaces by the main gates to the allotments. • The hedge running along the entrance to the allotments was to be trimmed right back.
  • The PC had set the Annual Parish Meeting and Vistry had been sent an invitation to update the parishioners on where they were with the development and plans leading up to handover of the POS to the PC. Vistry would look at sending two representatives to the meeting.
  • Regular dates of monthly meetings were to be arranged to go through jobs outstanding and work towards POS handover. Next meeting first week of May and then preferably the first week of each month for the next three months thereafter, to be reviewed.